I understand that my pet must be current on all required vaccinations to board. For dogs, this includes distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, kennel cough (bordetella), and rabies. For cats, this includes calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, and rabies. If I cannot provide proof that my pet is current on all of these vaccinations, I authorize the doctor to administer the necessary vaccines at my expense.
If any external parasites are found on my pet at any point during their stay, I authorize the doctor to treat at my expense and shall be given Advantix, Bravecto, Nextgard, SImparica, or Frontline applied or given a flea and tick wash.
On the day of departure my pet shall be given a flea and tick wash to ensure a parasite free animal at my expense.
If the doctor is unable to reach me at the given numbers I authorize any treatment for my pet that the doctor considers necessary for his/her health and safety. I understand that I will be charged for all treatments performed.
My pet will be fed and medicated according to the information provided above unless changes are deemed medically necessary by the Veterinarian.
If the charges for any of the above services exceed KSh10,000.00 every attempt will be made to contact me. However, services will NOT be withheld if I am unreachable. For charges less than KSh10,000.00, NO attempt to contact me shall be made. I will financially be responsible for the services rendered.
I will not hold The Andys Veterinary Clinic responsible for inadvertent loss or damage of personal items left with my pet. I understand that anything I leave may not be returned to me and encouraged to TAKE ALL PERSONAL ITEMS WITH ME, including leashes, collars, toys and carriers.
If I am unable to pick up my pet on the expected check-out date I will inform the Hospital of the check-out date as soon as possible.
Failure to collect my pet 30 days from the above Check-out date, The Andys Veterinary Clinic will re home or dispose the pet to recover costs incurred.
Signing this form acknowledges that I have read and understood all of the above information and agree to the above terms.
I agree to pay a 50% deposit for my pet's boarding.