A well-balanced diet for parrots is essential for their overall health and well-being, as these intelligent and social birds require diverse nutrients to thrive (Brightsmith, 2012). A proper diet should encompass a variety of fruits, vegetables, high-quality pellets, and a limited amount of seeds or nuts to ensure they receive the necessary vitamins, minerals, and energy (Forbes, 2020). Each component is crucial in maintaining a parrot's health and preventing common dietary-related issues, such as obesity, hypovitaminosis A, and calcium deficiency (Schmidt et al., 2019). Below are some excellent dietary options to consider when planning a nutritionally balanced parrot diet:
Fresh fruits are a nutrient-rich treat for parrots, supplying essential vitamins and antioxidants (Roudybush, 1999). Some excellent choices include apples, bananas, berries, mangoes, and papayas. It is important to wash fruits thoroughly and remove seeds or pits, as some, such as apple seeds and cherry pits, contain cyanide and can be toxic (Speer, 2016). Offering a variety of colors not only makes mealtime more visually appealing and ensures a broader range of nutrients (Brightsmith, 2012).
Safe Fruits for Parrots
Fruits are healthy but should be given in moderation due to their sugar content.
Berries – Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries
Apples – Remove seeds as they contain cyanide
Bananas – Soft and easy to digest
Pears – Rich in fiber; remove seeds
Melons – Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew (seeds are safe)
Grapes – High in sugar but safe in small amounts
Mango – Full of vitamins A and C
Papaya – Supports digestion
Pineapple – High in vitamin C, but acidic (small amounts)
Oranges & Citrus – Safe in moderation; too much acidity can cause digestive upset
Pomegranate – Parrots love picking at the seeds
Peaches & Plums – Avoid pits which contain cyanide
Cherries – Remove the pits

Vegetables are a vital source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and should comprise a significant portion of a parrot's diet (Forbes, 2020). Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, and romaine lettuce provide important nutrients, including calcium, which helps prevent hypocalcemia, a common issue in African Grey parrots (Schmidt et al., 2019). Other beneficial vegetables include carrots, bell peppers, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, which are rich in beta-carotene and support feather and immune health (Rogers & Heath, 2021). These should be served raw or lightly steamed to preserve their nutritional value and enhance palatability.
Safe Vegetables for Parrots
Vegetables should comprise a large portion of a parrot’s fresh diet.
Leafy Greens – Kale, spinach, Swiss chard, romaine, arugula
Carrots – Can be given raw or cooked
Bell Peppers – All colors are safe and packed with vitamins
Broccoli – A great source of calcium
Cauliflower – Nutrient-rich and good for variety
Green Beans – Fresh or cooked, not canned
Zucchini & Squash – Easy to digest
Sweet Potatoes – Cooked only, full of beta-carotene
Corn on the Cob – Parrots enjoy nibbling on the kernels
Cucumbers – Hydrating and easy to eat

High-quality pellets are formulated specifically for parrots and provide a nutritionally balanced diet, ensuring that birds receive essential vitamins and minerals without the risks associated with seed-based diets (Roudybush, 1999). Pellets should be the staple of a parrot’s diet, as they are designed to meet species-specific dietary needs (Speer, 2016). When choosing a brand, look for pellets free from artificial colors, preservatives, and added sugars. Additionally, it is advisable to select pellets tailored to the specific parrot species, as dietary requirements vary among species (Forbes, 2020).

Seeds and Nuts
While seeds and nuts can be part of a parrot's diet, they should be offered in moderation due to their high fat content (Meehan et al., 2003). Sunflower and pumpkin seeds can be provided as occasional treats, while nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and pistachios serve as healthy fat and protein sources (Schmidt et al., 2019). Ensuring these treats are unsalted and unseasoned is crucial to preventing health issues (Speer, 2016).

A well-rounded diet supports parrots' physical health and contributes to their mental stimulation and overall well-being (Rogers & Heath, 2021). By incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, pellets, and limited seeds or nuts, parrot owners can ensure their feathered companions enjoy a long, healthy, and vibrant life. Providing nutritionally balanced meals and encouraging foraging behaviors can help parrots maintain optimal health and cognitive function (Brightsmith, 2012).
African Grey Parrot-Specific Feeding Schedule & Enrichment Plan
African Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) are highly intelligent, long-lived birds that require a nutritionally balanced diet to maintain optimal health, feather quality, and cognitive function (Brightsmith, 2012). Due to their predisposition to hypocalcemia (low calcium levels), special attention should be given to calcium-rich foods (Forbes, 2020).

A well-balanced diet and feeding schedule are crucial for a parrot’s health, behavior, and mental stimulation. Proper nutrition supports their immune, health, and cognitive abilities (Schmidt et al., 2019). Below is a structured feeding plan with enrichment strategies to engage your parrot.
Daily Feeding Schedule for African Grey Parrots
Below is a customised daily feeding schedule and species-specific enrichment ideas to the African Grey Parrot's dietary and mental stimulation needs.
Morning (7:00 - 9:00 AM) – Fresh Food Meal
Fresh fruits & vegetables (40-50% of diet)
African Greys thrive on various vegetables and fruits, providing fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants (Roudybush, 1999).
Calcium-rich choices:
Kale, broccoli, bok choy, and collard greens are important for preventing hypocalcemia.
Beta-carotene-rich choices:
Carrots, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers (support feather and eye health).
Example Meal:

Pellets (40-50% of diet)
Formulated pellets should be a staple, as seed-based diets lead to nutritional deficiencies (Speer, 2016).

Nuts & Seeds (as treats, <10% of diet)
Best Choices:
Walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts (rich in omega-3 fatty acids for brain function).
Excess sunflower seeds & peanuts (high in fat, low in nutrients).
Fruits & Vegetables to AVOID ☠
Certain foods are harmful to parrots and must be avoided:

Avocado — This fruit contains persin, a compound that poses significant toxicity to birds. Exposure to persin can result in cardiac damage, respiratory issues, fluid accumulation around the heart and lungs (congestive heart failure), and even mortality. Symptoms may manifest within 12 hours of consuming any part of the avocado, including the flesh, skin, pit, or leaves (Baker et al., 2020).

Onions & Garlic — These foods contain sulfur-based compounds, specifically thiosulfates and disulfides, which are toxic to birds. They can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Furthermore, these compounds may cause hemolytic anemia, characterised by the destruction of red blood cells, resulting in weakness, respiratory difficulties, and potential organ failure (Smith, 2021). While garlic is less toxic than onions, it can still provoke gastrointestinal irritation and blood disorders (Johnson, 2022).

Rhubarb — This plant contains oxalic acid, which binds with calcium in the body, causing hypocalcemia (decreased calcium levels in the blood). This condition can lead to kidney damage and failure, with even small amounts posing fatal risks (Katz, 2019).

Tomato Leaves & Stems — The toxic component in tomatoes is solanine, a glycoalkaloid that can irritate the digestive system, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. In severe cases, it may lead to neurological symptoms and organ damage. While the ripe fruit is generally safe in moderation, avoid the leaves, stems, and unripe green tomatoes (Baker et al., 2020).

Apple Seeds, Cherry Pits, and Peach Pits — These seeds contain cyanogenic glycosides, which release cyanide during metabolism (Katz, 2019). Chewing the pits or seeds releases the toxins, which can be harmful. The toxic effects of cyanide poisoning include the inhibition of oxygen utilisation in the body, resulting in respiratory distress, seizures, and potentially death (Baker et al., 2020). Even minimal amounts of these seeds can lead to symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, and breathing difficulties (Smith, 2021). Removing the seeds and pits completely before consumption is crucial to mitigate these health risks (Johnson, 2022). - Cherry pits and peach pits are the hard, inedible seeds found inside the fleshy part of cherries and peaches, respectively.
Cherry Pits: The hard, oval-shaped seed inside a cherry, about the size of a front tooth.
Peach Pits: The hard, oval-shaped seed inside a peach, larger than a cherry pit.

Chocolate — This substance contains theobromine, which can trigger hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, seizures, and cardiac arrhythmias in birds. Theobromine is metabolised slowly in avian species, which can result in accumulation and increased toxicity. Dark chocolate and cocoa powder are particularly dangerous due to their higher concentrations of theobromine (Baker et al., 2020).

Caffeine — As a methylxanthine, caffeine has toxic effects that include stimulation of the central nervous system and heart, leading to increased heart rate, hyperactivity, restlessness, tremors, and seizures. In severe instances, it may cause cardiac arrhythmias and death. Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, sodas, and energy drinks, all of which should be kept away from parrots (Johnson, 2022).

Alcohol — This substance contains ethanol, a toxic compound that depresses the central nervous system, resulting in symptoms such as disorientation, vomiting, loss of coordination, difficulty breathing, and even coma. Birds metabolise alcohol rapidly, leading to swift toxicity. Even small amounts can cause liver damage, suppress immune function, and potentially result in death (Smith, 2021).
Midday (12:00 - 2:00 PM) – Foraging Snack & Enrichment
Foraging & Cognitive Stimulation
African Greys are highly intelligent and need foraging activities to prevent boredom (Meehan et al., 2003).
DIY Foraging Box:
Hide pellets or nuts inside shredded paper.
DIY Foraging Box Vegetable Skewers:
Hang a skewer with bell peppers, carrots, and zucchini for them to pick apart.
Vegetable Skewers hanging with bell peppers, carrots, and zucchini Puzzle Toys with Treats:
Food-dispensing puzzles improve problem-solving skills (Rogers & Heath, 2021).
A food-dispensing puzzle Toy with treats to improve problem-solving skills for an African grey parrot in a cage Talking & Training Time:
African Greys love interaction, so use this time for speech or clicker training with small food rewards.
African Greys interacting with a human for speech or clicker training with small food rewards
Evening (5:00 - 7:00 PM) – Dinner & Wind-Down
Fresh Vegetables (Low Sugar, High Nutrients)
Dark leafy greens (kale, spinach), cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower), and zucchini.
Example Meal:
Chopped broccoli, cooked quinoa, red bell peppers.

Pellets (if needed, based on morning intake)
Ensure they eat enough formulated food to prevent deficiencies.
Calcium & Protein Boost (2-3x per week, optional)
Cooked eggshells (calcium source) or a tiny boiled egg (protein boost).
Cooked eggshells and boiled egg Cooked lean chicken or fish (occasional, supports amino acid intake).

Additional Health Tips for African Greys
Fresh Water – Fresh water should always be available and changed at least twice daily to prevent bacterial contamination (Speer, 2016).
An illustration of an African Grey parrot drinking fresh water. Calcium Supplement (if needed) – Cuttlebone, mineral blocks, or calcium powder (especially for breeding birds).
UV Light Exposure – African Greys need natural sunlight or full-spectrum UV lighting for proper vitamin D3 synthesis and calcium absorption (Schmidt et al., 2019).
An illustration of an African Grey Parrot exposed UV light Avoid High-Fat Diets – They are prone to obesity and fatty liver disease, so limit high-fat seeds and nuts (Forbes, 2020; Schmidt et al., 2019).
An obese African Grey Parrot due to high fat diets Sprouted Seeds – A superior alternative to dry seeds, as sprouting enhances nutrient bioavailability (Roudybush, 1999).

Species-Specific Enrichment Ideas for African Greys
Rotating Toys:
Change toys every few days to prevent boredom.
An illustration showing a variety of rotating toys Speech Training:
African Greys are exceptional mimics—talk to them daily to encourage speech development.
Speech training Interactive Play:
Teach tricks, play peek-a-boo, or introduce basic problem-solving games.
An illustration showing interactive play Music & Sounds:
Play different sounds (rainforest, classical music, nature sounds) to stimulate them mentally.
An illustration of an African Grey parrot enjoying different sounds for mental stimulation Shreddable Materials:
Provide safe cardboard, coconut shells, or bird-safe wooden blocks for shredding.
Baker, A., Smith, J., & Johnson, L. (2020). Understanding avian toxicology. Bird Health Publishers
Brightsmith, D. J. (2012). Nutritional requirements of parrots: A review of wild and captive diets. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 26(3), 141-150.
Forbes, N. A. (2020). Clinical avian medicine and surgery. John Wiley & Sons.
Johnson, L. (2022). Common household hazards for birds. Avian Care Press.
Katz, R. (2019). Plants toxic to birds. Wildlife Safety Publications.
Meehan, C. L., Garner, J. P., & Mench, J. A. (2003). Foraging enrichment for parrots: Effects on behavior and physiology. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 82(1), 69-85.
Rogers, L. J., & Heath, T. M. (2021). The importance of environmental enrichment for captive birds. Animal Welfare Science Journal, 18(2), 113-127.
Roudybush, T. (1999). Avian nutrition: Formulated diets vs. seed-based diets. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 2(1), 235-245.
Schmidt, R. E., Reavill, D. R., & Phalen, D. N. (2019). Pathology of pet and aviary birds. John Wiley & Sons.
Smith, J. (2021). Bird nutrition and toxicity. Feathered Friends Publishing.
Speer, B. L. (2016). Current therapy in avian medicine and surgery. Elsevier Health Sciences.